0034 602 523 017 info@dynamicmarinediesel.com

Marketing Consulting

Don’t know where to start but want to talk about what is marketing and how it can help your business!   Sit down with one of our consultants who can begin to eliminate the confusion, answer questions and help you brainstorm.  Sessions are between one to two hours. We...

Direct Mail

Yes, this still works if you know who to send it to and it’s more reasonable than you probably think it is.  We will create a good offer, develop an area to send it to and execute coordination.

Social Media Ad Campaigns

Do you want to advertise on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram?  Our professional experts are able to take your pages to push them to the appropriate audiences.  We offer six months, 1 year and 18-month plans. We take over your social media ad portals, determine what...

Marketing Plans

Before you spend any money on marketing, let’s get organized and focused.  Our custom and professional marketing plans are tailored to your budget, local marketplace, needs, and requirements.  We create and develop a variety of items for your business including...